Our blog is to ask questions that we all know but don't ask of ourselves very often. We will discover together what our life should be and maybe do something about it as we travel this path. Larry & Pat Yardley
Both Pat and Larry are walking the narrow path that Jesus talked about and believe in "sola scriptura". That is the bible and only the bible as our guide to living the christian way. Let the bible interpret itself. Obey all ten commandments and pray in the name of Jesus. That is all we can do and God's grace through the covering blood of Christ will do the rest. We enjoy the beauty of this world and are saddened by the lack of care for others shown by so many these days. Are You ready to meet Jesus? He is coming back soon and one of the signs of his soon coming is the enforcement of Sunday laws. That is to say when you see governments telling you have to take Sunday off as a day of rest, you had better have a God centered life, because God asked us to take Saturday as a day of rest, the 4th commandment per the King James version of the bible. Research this point for yourself and see why keeping Sunday may not save your life. Jesus saves us through his sacrifice, his blood for our sins, but that does not mean go forth and continue to ignore God's laws. It does mean go and sin no more. We can't do it by ourself though and that is key to our salvation. God Bless all who read this.